BICSI Standards Program Development Process

The Standards Cycle of Life 

Standards Life Cycle 2018



Start of the Process

All standards start from a need, great or small.  Needs can originate from one or multiple sources.

Consensus Body

The consensus body in the BICSI International Standards Program is typically a named subcommittee. The consensus body reviews the need and proposed action(s) to determine if there is sufficient interest and if so, creates and initiates a plan to commence work.  


Depending on the complexity and depth of need, it is not uncommon to see this stage take more than two-thirds of the entire cycle time. Drafting is where specific concepts and requisite text are defined.


Voting by ballot is the primary mechanism of approving draft content. The draft material is presented for review and approval by consensus body members and  any other interested party.  

Review of Results

Once a defined approval period ends, a review of any received comments ensues, which may prompt changes to the draft. Any changes made are categorized, with those identified as substantively changing the draft being placed back into ballot for further approval. This continues until all subsequent substantive changes have been exhausted.

Publication and Use

Once the results indicate no further changes are needed, the draft is published as an official standard to be used and cited as applicable. Once published standards are reviewed within every five years to determine what relevant needs, if any, are not addressed, thus starting the development cycle once again.