Ethics Committee Position Statement:
Principles for Ethical Excellence

RCDD Requirement on Staff vs. Consultant


BICSI strongly recommends that you should always have at least one Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD) on your information and communications technology (ICT) systems project throughout the entire life of your project. Having a qualified professional RCDD on your project should protect your investment.

In today's business environment we find companies with varied employee resources. BICSI supports the issue that there should be RCDD involvement in the design and installation phases of all network installations. BICSI makes no distinction in quality of job performance when there is an RCDD on a company's staff or if an RCDD is contractually bound to a company for the duration of a specific project. BICSI supports the independent consultants with RCDD credentials as well as the company that chooses to have an RCDD as permanent staff.

Questions associated with bid documents that state, "There must be an RCDD on staff" should be dealt with at the source with clarifications satisfied during the prebid qualification stage.

Below is some sample language that you may want to consider incorporating into your Request for Bid (RFB), Request for Proposal (RFP), Request for Quote (RFQ) and Contracts to help ensure that you receive the best possible project results:

Only Qualified Installer/Contractor firms will be allowed to (bid/propose/quote) and provide services on this project.

The Qualified Installer/Contractor firm engaged on this project shall have demonstrable design and installation training with certifications of competence. This includes, but is not limited to, having at least one BICSI Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD) on staff or as a consultant engaged for the duration of the project. The RCDD shall be involved with this project from the start through its completion. If at any time during this project the Installer/Contractor firm does not have an RCDD involved with this project, it shall be considered a default of the Contract.

You may also want to consider using similar requirements for BICSI Registered Technicians and Installers in your RFBs, RFPs and RFQs and Contracts.

Committee Members

George Fewell, RCDD

Vice Chair
Kent Gibson, RCDD

Recording Secretary
Randi Soskil, RCDD

Board Liaison
James "Jim" Walters, RCDD, DCDC, OSP, RTP, PMP, CISSP, GICSP

Ex-Officio Member
George F. A. Parnell, General Counsel

Staff Liaison
Bernie Currie, PHR, SHRM-CP

Dennis Mazaris, RCDD, RTPM
General Hopper, RCDD
Howard Weiss, RCDD
Larry Hamlin, RCDD, OSP
Makiko Matsushita
Patrick Messinger, RCDD, TECH
Ryan Sennett, RCDD
Terrence Riffle, RCDD
Tony Whaley, RCDD, DCDC, ESS, NTS, WD
Nelson Lowes, RCDD
Andrew Henneberry, RCDD, DCDC, OSP, RTPM