BICSI Ethics
BICSI Code of Ethics and Professional Obligations
BICSI has established the Ethics Committee, the Code of Ethics and a list of Professional Obligations to reinforce the Code. The Code of Ethics is as follows: It is important that the BICSI members and credential holders exhibit the highest principles of ethical and professional behavior in the provision of their products and services associated with the information and communications technology (ICT) industry and in their professional interactions associated with BICSI or BICSI events.
The below listed Professional Obligations serve as guidelines to assist members and credential holders to understand the meaning of the Code of Ethics. Adhering to these Professional Obligations will enhance public confidence in the integrity and service of BICSI members and credential holders.
Adherence to the 12 Professional Obligations is mandatory.
As a BICSI member and/or BICSI credential holder, I have an ethical and professional obligation to the association, the ICT industry and its consumers. I therefore pledge to:
1. Maintain a high standard of professional conduct.
2. Protect and enhance the reputation of the BICSI organization, the credentialing program and any credential held, through my actions.
3. Not misrepresent my BICSI credential(s) nor willingly allow others to represent or use my credential(s).
4. Adhere to all relevant codes, laws, ICT industry standards and BICSI methodologies.
5. Serve all members of the public honestly, impartially, providing no substandard service, based on age, race, national origin, color, gender, sexual orientation, disability or religious belief.
6. Refrain from knowingly misrepresenting or misstating my or any other individual’s qualifications, abilities or accomplishments.
7. Respect a client’s decision in the selection of competitive services and continue to offer and provide that client with quality services, when requested.
8. Maintain the confidentiality of privileged information entrusted or known to me by virtue of my profession or position in accordance with all applicable laws and/or agreements.
9. Be accurate and truthful in my dealings with clients and not misrepresent the quality, quantity, cost, availability or ability of the services I provide.
10. Be accurate, honest and truthful in the presentation of all educational material or in the preparation of material orders and product availability.
11. Provide unbiased, accurate and objective assessments for all safety and operational deficiencies that may be discovered during the performance of my services.
12. Refrain from using false and misleading statements or malicious actions that might injure another person’s reputation or bring harm to their person or property.
Committee Members
George Fewell, RCDD
Vice Chair
Kent Gibson, RCDD
Recording Secretary
Randi Soskil, RCDD
Board Liaison
James "Jim" Walters, RCDD, DCDC, OSP, RTP, PMP, CISSP, GICSP
Ex-Officio Member
George F. A. Parnell, General Counsel
Staff Liaison
Bernie Currie, PHR, SHRM-CP
Dennis Mazaris, RCDD, RTPM
General Hopper, RCDD
Howard Weiss, RCDD
Larry Hamlin, RCDD, OSP
Makiko Matsushita
Patrick Messinger, RCDD, TECH
Ryan Sennett, RCDD
Terrence Riffle, RCDD
Tony Whaley, RCDD, DCDC, ESS, NTS, WD
Nelson Lowes, RCDD
Andrew Henneberry, RCDD, DCDC, OSP, RTPM